Raising Our Vibrations

Written by Joy Dushey | Photographed by Conrado Veliz


The term “raising vibrations” can often sound strangely abstract, like it’s a goal we want to reach for, but most of us have no clue how to get there. Well, according to Joy Dushey (our resident Flock member, wellness expert and founder of The Joyful Approach), the idea is that we can, in fact, learn to lift our vibrations to meet certain challenges through a myriad of disciplines. It’s particularly important for our children, who are exposed to our energy and mirror their own energy and vibrations based on ours. But how do we do it and what are the steps involved? Read on for Joy’s tips on raising our vibrations, so our children can keeps theirs elevated and exist in a world of peace, love and gratitude…


When we reference our “vibrations,” what exactly do we mean? Think of it this way. Our vibration is our energy signature. We are all made up of vibrating particles of energy and our vibration is what we emanate out to the environment, around us and to others. Thoughts, emotions, and sound are also vibrations and carry unique energetic signatures.

The idea that we are living in a “high vibrational state” is directly correlated to the health and happiness of our bodies in many ways. The vibes we emanate to others, to our children and to the environment vary based on our resilience for balancing our mind, emotions and disposition- especially in today’s dynamic emotional climate.


People can easily pick up other people’s energy and emotions at different levels of sensitivity. Children behave like little sponges readily absorbing energies because they have less of a barrier distracting their perception generated and influenced by beliefs, memories, choices and environmental stimuli. From the day that our children our born, they begin testing our patience. Children can feel when we are easily activated, stressed and anxious or when we are poised in our higher vibration.

When we are flowing in our higher vibes, we can easily make decisions and solutions due to increased access to our heart’s intuitive wisdom. Our discernment becomes more inclusive and our choices become clearer and more effective; it gets much easier to deflect frustration, anxiety, impatience and other stress producers that strain our critical thinking and reasoning.





By engaging in daily practices like mindfulness, meditation yoga, journaling and healthy eating, we shift our energy. We begin to operate at a high-vibrational frequency, the frequency of love, and that's when we are a magnet for more positive relationships and experiences. When our energetic aura shifts, our consciousness expands, our nervous system neutralizes, and we begin to fully realize and experience a spiritual awakening, the recognition of our divine essence. Things become possible that weren't before. A miraculous life unfolds in front of us.



Find a quiet place where, for a few minutes, you can breathe easily, imagining with each breath that your mind, emotions and body are becoming still inside.

Place your feet firmly on the ground visualizing strong roots growing from your feet connected to the earth. You may use grounding crystals or earth stones in your hands as assists.

In this stillness, desire the uplifting feeling you would like to have and imagine breathing this new feeling into your being for a while. Imagine you are creating it with your breath.



Sit quietly and imagine radiating love, compassion and stillness into your mental and emotional nature. Self-care is often allowing ourselves to have a low moment without compounding it with self-criticism. When our light is dim, it helps to give ourselves the feeling of compassionate heart warmth that we would give a child who is ill.



Crystals have metaphysical properties from the earth that allow us to raise our frequency and vibration. Some of the highest vibrational crystals are Selenite, Natrolite, Tanzanite, Phenacite and Moldavite. It’s important to bring yourself to a grounding practice after using these high vibrational stones.

The first step in many spiritual practices is to learn to ground, that is to connect yourself energetically to the core of the Earth. There are many techniques for grounding so find the practice that feels best for you. The essence of most methods is to relax and visualize yourself sending an energy cord or light beam into the earth from your root chakra (at the tailbone) and allowing it to reach the earth core allowing you to get energy from the Earth. A classic form of grounding is with your feet firmly placed on the ground, below you imagine roots growing into the Earth from your feet and spinal column or central energy channel and begin a meditation practice breathing in the energy from the earth.


It’s best when you can have direct contact with the earth underneath your feet and if that’s not an option just having your feet on the ground works as well.

You can hold grounding stones in your hands during this practice such as Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Hematite, Gold tigers Eye, Carnelian, Garnet, Pyrite, Copper, Amber, and Unakite.

The simple presence of crystals in both your home and work environments create a change in the vibration of the surrounding area. You can use crystals while meditating or you can wear them as jewelry or even hold them in your pocket or in your pocketbook.

Teaching your child about the world of crystals can be of great help to their development. A relationship with crystals can deepen a child’s understanding of the experiences of friendship, support and peace and provide them with tools of great use in moments when we cannot be physically present.
