Raising Our Vibrations

Written by Joy Dushey | Photographed by Conrado Veliz


The term “raising vibrations” can often sound strangely abstract, like it’s a goal we want to reach for, but most of us have no clue how to get there. Well, according to Joy Dushey (our resident Flock member, wellness expert and founder of The Joyful Approach), the idea is that we can, in fact, learn to lift our vibrations to meet certain challenges through a myriad of disciplines. It’s particularly important for our children, who are exposed to our energy and mirror their own energy and vibrations based on ours. But how do we do it and what are the steps involved? Read on for Joy’s tips on raising our vibrations, so our children can keeps theirs elevated and exist in a world of peace, love and gratitude…


When we reference our “vibrations,” what exactly do we mean? Think of it this way. Our vibration is our energy signature. We are all made up of vibrating particles of energy and our vibration is what we emanate out to the environment, around us and to others. Thoughts, emotions, and sound are also vibrations and carry unique energetic signatures.

The idea that we are living in a “high vibrational state” is directly correlated to the health and happiness of our bodies in many ways. The vibes we emanate to others, to our children and to the environment vary based on our resilience for balancing our mind, emotions and disposition- especially in today’s dynamic emotional climate.


People can easily pick up other people’s energy and emotions at different levels of sensitivity. Children behave like little sponges readily absorbing energies because they have less of a barrier distracting their perception generated and influenced by beliefs, memories, choices and environmental stimuli. From the day that our children our born, they begin testing our patience. Children can feel when we are easily activated, stressed and anxious or when we are poised in our higher vibration.

When we are flowing in our higher vibes, we can easily make decisions and solutions due to increased access to our heart’s intuitive wisdom. Our discernment becomes more inclusive and our choices become clearer and more effective; it gets much easier to deflect frustration, anxiety, impatience and other stress producers that strain our critical thinking and reasoning.





By engaging in daily practices like mindfulness, meditation yoga, journaling and healthy eating, we shift our energy. We begin to operate at a high-vibrational frequency, the frequency of love, and that's when we are a magnet for more positive relationships and experiences. When our energetic aura shifts, our consciousness expands, our nervous system neutralizes, and we begin to fully realize and experience a spiritual awakening, the recognition of our divine essence. Things become possible that weren't before. A miraculous life unfolds in front of us.



Find a quiet place where, for a few minutes, you can breathe easily, imagining with each breath that your mind, emotions and body are becoming still inside.

Place your feet firmly on the ground visualizing strong roots growing from your feet connected to the earth. You may use grounding crystals or earth stones in your hands as assists.

In this stillness, desire the uplifting feeling you would like to have and imagine breathing this new feeling into your being for a while. Imagine you are creating it with your breath.



Sit quietly and imagine radiating love, compassion and stillness into your mental and emotional nature. Self-care is often allowing ourselves to have a low moment without compounding it with self-criticism. When our light is dim, it helps to give ourselves the feeling of compassionate heart warmth that we would give a child who is ill.



Crystals have metaphysical properties from the earth that allow us to raise our frequency and vibration. Some of the highest vibrational crystals are Selenite, Natrolite, Tanzanite, Phenacite and Moldavite. It’s important to bring yourself to a grounding practice after using these high vibrational stones.

The first step in many spiritual practices is to learn to ground, that is to connect yourself energetically to the core of the Earth. There are many techniques for grounding so find the practice that feels best for you. The essence of most methods is to relax and visualize yourself sending an energy cord or light beam into the earth from your root chakra (at the tailbone) and allowing it to reach the earth core allowing you to get energy from the Earth. A classic form of grounding is with your feet firmly placed on the ground, below you imagine roots growing into the Earth from your feet and spinal column or central energy channel and begin a meditation practice breathing in the energy from the earth.


It’s best when you can have direct contact with the earth underneath your feet and if that’s not an option just having your feet on the ground works as well.

You can hold grounding stones in your hands during this practice such as Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Hematite, Gold tigers Eye, Carnelian, Garnet, Pyrite, Copper, Amber, and Unakite.

The simple presence of crystals in both your home and work environments create a change in the vibration of the surrounding area. You can use crystals while meditating or you can wear them as jewelry or even hold them in your pocket or in your pocketbook.

Teaching your child about the world of crystals can be of great help to their development. A relationship with crystals can deepen a child’s understanding of the experiences of friendship, support and peace and provide them with tools of great use in moments when we cannot be physically present.


Rituals - Erika Bloom


Founder of Erika Bloom Pilates and Holistic Wellness Expert



My last ritual of the day...

"is to give my kids an aromatherapy foot massage post our night time yoga routine. I go to sleep with the kids and so the ritual not only soothes them, it preps me for sleep as well. My favorite is lavender or I sometimes use a blend of lavender, bergamot, and clary sage."

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Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite mamas to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Dana James


Dana James, Functional Medicine Nutritionist & Author

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My last ritual of the day is...

"I cleanse my face then use the most incredible moisturizer by Augustinus Bader. With five days of using this cream, my skin regained its glow and the stress-induced breakouts were gone! It’s a stem cell treatment that really works.  Oh, and I brush my teeth."


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Food Coach NYC


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite women to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


A Wild Dove x Charitybuzz

Written by Lynn Levoy


I was so honored to be asked to be a part of Charitybuzz, an on-line auction platform. For their most recent auction, A Wild Dove curated a wellness and beauty section that raised $2000 in just one week for the David Lynch Foundation, an organization that is very close to my heart. Not only has Transcendental Meditation changed my own life, but their overall mission is to help and improve the lives of at risk populations facing severe stress and trauma. I am grateful we were able to help support these amazing programs.

Find out more about these important experiences that were so generously offered from the women of the A Wild Dove Community…


The One Day Retreatment at Deer Creek Lodge in Malibu on October 6

Join us from morning till evening at a stunning villa in Malibu for a day of depth, light and inspiration on October 6th at Deer Creek Lodge in Malibu, CA!

The One Day Retreatment is the full experience of The Retreatment for those who do not have the ability to leave their responsibilities for too long a time.

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Dr. Barbara Sturm World-Class Skin Care Products Package

Dr. Barbara Sturm is a German aesthetics doctor, world-recognized for her anti-aging and rejuvenating skin treatments. Dr. Sturm’s notable client list spans from loyal patients to high-profile figures, who visit her Dusseldorf clinic from all over the globe to achieve youthful, healthy, and beautiful looking skin.

Inspired by her daily work, Dr. Sturm formulated the Dr. Barbara Strum Molecular Cosmetics Skincare collection for those yearning for an uncomplicated, yet highly effective skincare regime that hydrates, protects and regenerates the skin.

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Crystal Chakra Clearing Workshop for 10 with The Cristalline Founder, Rashia Bell

Rashia Bell Founder of THE CRISTALLINE will introduce you and a group of friends to the healing energy of stones during your Private Crystal Chakra Clearing Workshop for up to 10 people at your New York City home or location of choice.

Also, each guest will receive a personal Chakra Crystal set to take home!


Rituals - Savannah King


Savannah King Founder of Third Eye Jewelry

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My last ritual of the day is...

"A Rose Quartz treatment. I went on a road trip through the Badlands in South Dakota last summer and brought home a large hunk of rose quartz. It works with the heart chakra and ends my day day with some self love and leads me into more peaceful dreams. I lay in bed with the stone over my heart for 20 minutes."


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Third Eye Jewelry


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite mamas to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Robyn Youkilis


Health Coach and Author

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My favorite ritual alone is...

"I have to say it’s a tie between journaling and meditation. I love journaling because it gets all my thoughts about work, life, myself..whatever it may be, down on paper and OUT of my head! Sometimes what I write doesn’t even completely make sense to me if I go back and read it, but that’s not really the point of it. I just feel better after I journal because I know all those thoughts are somewhere.

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Meditation just really grounds me. It’s that time that I set aside to really focus on my inner calm and serenity. As a mother, wife, friend and business owner (amongst other things), I’ve got a lot on my metaphorical plate and sometimes it’s a challenge to prioritize. Meditation is my chance to just stop, breathe, and clear my head for the day to come."


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Robyn Youkilis


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite mamas to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Joanna Vargas


Founder of Joanna Vargas Salon & Skincare Collection

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My first ritual of the morning is...

"I wake up and spend a half hour reading through the beauty news of the day, articles I bookmarked, and emails I may have gotten in the middle of the night. 
Beauty wise, my morning ritual is dry brushing my whole body before getting into the shower. It's invigorating and makes my skin so soft! "


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Joanna Vargas


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite mamas to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Miracle Cure

Written by A Wild Dove | Photographed by Caitlin Mitchell



Do you wish your skincare would do more for you? Beyond looking great or feeling hydrated, of course, but maybe add a higher vibration to your day? Enter Prestidge Beauté, the incredible skincare brand founded by Shawnelle Prestidge, longtime makeup artist for Jane Fonda and a wealth of global brands and beauty giants. Her path to Prestidge Beauté wasn’t an easy one. Following the birth of her daughter, her husband suffered a near fatal accident where suddenly, Shawnelle found herself in her kitchen stirring up calming cannabis elixirs to help with his nerve pain. She then decided it was finally time to try her hand at creating that "miracle" serum a curated line of extremely effective, highly active, deeply healing-small batch organic skin care products. The result is high quality, all natural products made with ingredients from conscious growers all over the world, complete with a healing form of reiki. To say we are obsessed is an understatement, so we sat down  with Shawnelle to talk reiki, serums and the calming spirit of a great skincare product.


1. Can you tell us how Prestidge Beauté came to be? Was there one “trigger moment?”

Prestidge Beauté was a dream of mine for many years, but it was suddenly realized after working on a cannabis salve to help quell my husband’s nerve pain following a swimming accident. It was the catalyst from which Prestidge Beauté was born.


2. We love that you combine Reiki techniques into the crafting of the products. Can you tell us about the process? 

I summon my angels and spirit guides, archangels and the reiki masters while  listening to kundalini music to raise the vibration of the space. I enter a sort of active meditation as the wisdom of alchemy comes together, then seal each product by drawing the reiki symbols into the products while I combine all the ingredients.


3. You totally get that energy when using the products. And the line is so well edited, everything has a purpose. Can you tell us more and how the components work individually and together?

I wanted each one to satisfy all my personal and professional needs. I’ve been working 25-plus years as a makeup artist. I wanted the serum to be a high vibrating multitasking supernova of a serum that everyone could use and benefit from.  That, in concert with the Healing Salve, addresses a myriad of ailments from acne to cuts to bug bite to eczema. Plus a tonic that could be used before the serum to add moisture or after makeup application to set you, or after a workout to refresh, or to use on your kids when they need a little time to work through big feelings. But especially to invite a moment of calm to reset one’s mood. A deodorant that smells amazing, yet is mild and works hard at diminishing odor, for men and women and kids. And a lip balm that truly heals damaged weatherworn lips and moisturizes without feeling too glossy.


4. In creating your products, you use organic ingredients and produce small batches. Can you explain the significance of only sourcing from conscious growers? How do you find them? 

I find them through referrals, friends and research. I look for a valid GC/MS report, which is the fingerprint of any particular batch of essential oil. The report is like a blood test for a human. It shows the unique identity and properties of an oil, and I let my intuition guide me.  I look for particular colors and aroma and order in small sizes when first ordering with a new supplier.


5. Is the line safe for kids to use? 

YES! For ages two and older. My daughter, who’s eight, uses everything except the Under Amour Deodorant, but I think that is just around the corner!


6.  You’ve had quite the make up artist career. Can you share that journey and one or two milestones?

I think the first awe inspiring experience was being invited to the Shriver compound and being greeted to homemade cookie fresh from the oven by Eunice Shriver.  It was a shoot with Norman Jean Roy for Vanity Fair with Sarge, Eunice and Maria Shriver.  Maria told us not to be overwhelmed when Sarge asks you, “What did you do today to make the world a better place?” It was truly humbling and made a lasting impression on me to strive to do better-for all!  And I don’t think Jane Fonda’s long presence in my life has been by accident either. I think being around great people influence you to be your best self, and to me, being your best self means aligning with your purpose to service others earnestly.


7. We’re not even going to ask you how you balance being a mama, an entrepreneur, wife and all the other amazing things you do, but can you tell us a bit about your day to day and how you make it work for you and your family?

I honestly don’t know. Most day it’s kind of a crap shoot. To tell you otherwise would be completely dishonest, but I wake up with the intention of doing my best, to get what needs doing done, and hopefully to squeeze some fun and giggles into the mix too!


8. We totally related to a comment you made recently about being “a uniform kind of girl” fashion-wise. You said that you like simple silhouettes, like a black utilitarian jumpsuit in high quality fabrics. Same here! Is that because you prefer to express your creativity via makeup and beauty care?

I definitely believe so! When I was young, it was not the case but as I developed further into my career, I just wanted to be physically and emotionally comfortable doing what I loved. There is something so self-loving about making sure you are experiencing comfort-when you know there are so many uncertainties out there. I really find it luxurious to be under the radar, but you only seem to realize that with age.


9. What is your therapy?

Oh so many things. Mantras, snuggles, kisses, actual therapy, moving my body, sharing, connecting, making my Prestidge Beauté line, sleeping, eating, laughing and loving.


10. Lastly, what makes you fly?

Being aligned and getting those vibrating signs that you are exactly where you are supposed to be!


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Prestidge Beauté

Rituals - Bee Shapiro


Founder of Ellis Brooklyn

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My favorite ritual with my children is...

"reading books in the morning. I love that moment before the TV goes on and before the whole morning routine goes full tilt. I've started reading books to my girls then. It's one of my favorite times of the day."


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Ellis Brooklyn


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite women to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Just My Type

Written by A Wild Dove | Photographed by Caitlin Mitchell


Did you ever wonder why certain events might cause you to overeat? Or why you might forget to eat in times of stress? According to Dana James, cognitive behavioral therapist, certified nutritionist and founder of Food Coach NYC, it’s due to your childhood imprints and how you developed your sense of self worth. Her philosophy is that women are divided into four female archetypes based on these ideas - each affect our eating patterns and diet. And that we can change our diet and relationship with food by examining our archetype and then plan productive menus and recipes around it. She outlines this exciting vision in a new book,  The Archetype Diet: Reclaim Your Self-Worth and Change the Shape of Your Body that seemed to hit us head on. Her rare approach to women’s weight loss - by putting self-worth at the center of the conversation - is enlightening, inspiring and pretty genius. We sat down with Dana to talk the tangible, the intangible and the quest for a healthy lifestyle.


I love your philosophy around the "modern women." I think we all are that woman at some point in our lives. Can you discuss this concept and how we can feel "at peace?"

That’s my Martin Luther King speech. Haha. "I have a dream that we live in a world free from the tyranny of diet dogma and self-doubt. That we live in a world where we instinctively know how to rebalance ourselves with food, nutrients, elixirs, mantras, movement, and scents. A world where food is nourishment, not punishment. A world where we trust ourselves, not shame ourselves. A world where we amplify beauty, love and magnetism. This is my dream for the modern woman."

To find peace we must unlearn our conditioning. We've trained ourselves to use food as a reward, comfort, a distraction or pacifier. It’s much easier to eat a muffin than admit that your life is chaotic because you struggle to say no to people. Learning how to say no and not feel guilty requires inward looking. Why do I people-please? Why are my boundaries porous? Why have I placed a value on not disappointing people? This is an example of my Nurturer archetype. Finding your peace is dependent on where you source your self-worth from. The answer is hidden in that.


I am fascinated by your navigation system for the friction between food and feelings, science and spirituality, conscious thought and subconscious thought. Can you share the lifecycle of this inner “conflict?” How young are we when this starts?

It’s less of a conflict but rather an inclusion of both the tangible and intangible. Just because we can’t see it or measure it doesn’t mean it is invalid. Your feelings can’t be seen but they are valid. Equally so, your subconscious thoughts are drivers of your behavior, more than your conscious thought. I created the four female archetypes to bring to light our subconscious thoughts and change the repetitive behavior that stops us from seeing continued success.


Can you describe your four archetype approach and how we can become our own muse?

The archetypes are based on where a woman sources her self-worth as this will influence her behaviors, including her eating behaviors and intimate relationships.

Wonder Woman - If you need a glass of wine to wind down most evenings, you’re probably a Wonder Woman who sources her self-worth from achievement and recognition and this gives you permission to switch off.

Nurturer - If you find yourself comfort eating or secret eating, then you’re probably a Nurturer, who sources her self-worth from always being there for others but this comes at a cost to you. You often de-prioritize your own needs in favor of others and you’ll eat this way because you’re exhausted and no one is taking care of you.

Femme Fatale - If you’re scared to gain weight or that you’ll never lose the weight you’ve gained, then you’re likely to be a Femme Fatale who sources her self-worth from her physical body and you’ll find yourself constantly on a diet because you believe that a leaner body is better. It’s not but that’s your belief.

Ethereal - If you’re highly sensitive to emotions – yours and other people’s – then you’re probably an Ethereal, who sources her self-worth from being intuitive and different but this can feel lonely, like no one understands you. You’ll often forget to eat or numb this sensitivity with carbs because you don't know how to release these feelings.


How does Functional Medicine play a role in your unique approach?

Functional medicine is the core of my practice. It’s finding the root of the issue. For instance, if your hormones are out of balance, the answer isn’t adding more hormones, it's understanding that stress, the gut microbiome and the liver play a key role in hormonal balance and it’s rebalancing these inputs. It’s the same with the mind. Where do your perceptions come from? When in childhood did you develop this view and why? What needs to be reinterpreted so you can move forward? Whether it is the mind or physical body, the answer lies in the seed that created it.


Your practice offers so much! Can you tell us the philosophy and goals for your clients around your meal plans, one-one programs and of course your amazing retreats?

The end goal is always my client's goal - weight loss, body confidence, digestive ease, stress reduction or an improvement in mood or brain function. To get there a lot of insight and self-awareness is required and we spend most of our time looking into erroneous beliefs and reprogramming them. Knowing what to eat is easy, the harder part is understanding why your life is structured in a way that has you fall off time and time again.


What are five must haves that mamas and kids can both eat and find satisfying?

Make  something they can get involved in. They are more likely to eat it when they’ve been part of it.

Berry smoothie - equal parts nut milk and frozen berries with 2 tablespoons of collagen protein powder with a hint of raw honey.

Avocado smash - have them smash the avocado then drizzled on some fresh lemon juice. Let them dip crackers in it and you can have vegetable crudités.

Chia seed pudding - kids love making this. Put two tablespoons of chia seed into a mason jar then add 8 ounces of nut milk. Add the lid and shake vigorously. Get your kids to shake the mason jar for 20 seconds. Let it rest for ten minutes and you have a very nutrient dense snack with fiber, omega 3’s and protein. Add fresh fruit if desired.


If you were on a desert island, which three supplements would you want with you?

Probably none because stress wouldn’t be robbing me of my nutrients! The reason I add supplements in to someone’s program is to correct imbalances, which are principally stress-driven. But I do love a good probiotic and an activated B complex is vital for replenishing our energy and mood.


What is your therapy?

Touch. There is no more powerful therapy. You can give a baby sugared water and she will stop crying but will start up again once it is removed or you can touch her and she will be soothed and her crying will stop. We’re just older versions of a baby but far too many of us blindly use sugar to appease an uncomfortable emotion. Connect with others, hug someone tight, get a massage, a foot rub or play fight with someone. Touch is a profound mood-rebalancer. 


What are your favorite restaurants where the entire family can eat in NYC and LA?

In NYC it’s Cafe Clover and Quartino. Cafe Clover has the best flax crackers and sweet potato hummus. It’s better than any bread basket! I go to Quartino when I want a home-cooked meal - fish from Montauk Harbor and lightly roasted vegetables with a hint of olive oil. Mmmm delicious! In LA it’s my own kitchen! There’s nothing better than picking fresh greens and herbs from your garden and transforming them into a colorful salad that makes your mouth pop!


Can you tell us a few highlights from your new book ?

I’d encourage all women to take the female archetype test which they can find on www.danajames.com. This will help them identify their core beliefs and why they are struggling in certain areas of their life; be it a physical imbalance or habits they don't like. The Archetype Diet also gives a ten-day meal to follow for each archetype. As each archetype has different hormonal influences the diet is also different. I bust many pervasive food myths that make women scared of food. And finally, I take the reader through a 6-R reprogramming process so they can break the erroneous belief that their self-worth is based on an external factor like their success, looks, helping others or their intuition. 


What makes you fly?

Seeing women awaken and transform their life. One of my greatest success stories is a woman, who within six weeks of us working together, increased her income by 300% and found the man of her dreams on a last minute trip to Nepal. She is 47 and froze her eggs five years before. They are now talking about having a child together -  her ultimate dream! Her erroneous belief was that she wasn’t worthy enough to have it all. Once she cracked that, everything she desired came to her. Just magical. 


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FoodCoach NYC

Rituals - Malia Mills


Founder of Malia Mills

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My favorite ritual alone is...

"something my friend Sarah taught me...the weekend genius of rolling out of bed and into our neighborhood deli without changing out of her pajamas. So on Sundays I'll fetch a cortado, pretzel croissant with raspberry jam (quite possibly the best sweet salty combo on earth) and the New York Times. It's my official pjs, glasses, no make-up, dirty hair dial it down time. Sometimes sitting at our table by the window overlooking the street. Sometimes on the couch. Sometimes in the park near our apartment."


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Malia Mills


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite women to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Lotions & Potions

Written by A Wild Dove


A Traveling Shop-in-Shop

Launching Summer 2018
 The Hamptons

A Wild Dove Founder, Lynn Levoy is always on the hunt for unique treasures to introduce to her community. The Lotions & Potions retail concept brings to each partnering retailer, a mini shop featuring Lynn’s favorite products in an unexpected mix (from Adaptogens to Mediation Books to Magical Serums to Crystals). The Creators of the chosen brands will partner with A Wild Dove and offer in-store workshops, panels and custom programs to share stories, unify the community and bring the products alive.


First Stop 

Malia Mills
53 Jobs Lane
Southampton, NY 11968
Launching July 1st


Rituals - Medea Juhasz


Founder of Catalyst Gold


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My last ritual of the day is...

"I love to nourish my skin applying one of my favorite Leahlani face masks before I go to bed. I usually read for 20-30 minutes and sip on roasted dandelion tea. A 5-minute reflection and meditation right before I go to sleep always helps me to wind down."


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Catalyst Gold


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite women to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Kids in the Kitchen

Written by Erika Bloom | Photographed by Caitlin Mitchell


When Erika Bloom offers to cook, we drop everything and go. The wellness expert and founder of Erika Bloom Pilates knows a thing or two about making delicious, nutritious meals, and like everything she does, executes her recipes in a way that is as fun as it is inspiring. Callum joined Erika’s children to make a family friendly meal featuring fresh vegetables and yummy superfoods. In her own words, she details how to encourage healthy eating in a way that kids will understand and enjoy.


Like all of my wellness practices, healthy eating is integrated into my life. I believe that part of why my kids find joy in healthy eating is because they see my passion about finding nourishment from delicious and healing food. 

My son and daughter take even more pleasure in what we’re eating when they get to help create the menus, prepare and cook our meals. It’s a time for us to connect, share stories, and laugh — and it’s also about making and eating beautiful fresh organic living foods that vitalize us. Whether your family is already eating healthy, or is desiring to establish more conscious habits, here are a few simple ideas for guiding your kids toward healthy choices in the kitchen.


Teach Them Young

I believed my kids were never too young to be exposed to whole, delicious foods. Food awareness from a young age sets them up for a lifetime of making good decisions on their own when the time comes. As parents, we help set up the pattern for the rest of their lives.

Understand "The Why"

My kids are aware that healthy delicious foods sustain them. They know their brains and bodies are happier and better functioning as a result. Their moods stay stable because we’re making better choices, and their rewards are not based around food, but feeling good.

Make Healthy Food Available

I feel peace when I open my refrigerator and see a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. When the kids are hungry for a snack, they know to look in the fridge for cut up veggies and fruit. I know that whatever their choice is, it’s going to be a good one. 


Be Their Role Model

They see me meditating, using essential oils and eating well. I’m living it — and they naturally desire it. Your values are their values.

Involve Them

What happens in our kitchen is a family affair, as well as a sensory experience. They love washing, chopping, touching and tasting the bounty that nature has provided. They set out bowls, which we fill with an array of colorful, fresh vegetables, herbs, and spices. When everything is ready they design their plates. It’s like a painting for them.


Go to the Source

My kids love picking out our produce at the market or the farm stand. In the summer, they put their hands in the earth and help me tend to the garden. We know where our food comes from, and talk about who else might have helped to bring it to us. All this, before it even enters our mouths. This connection and gratitude for what we’re eating increases our ability to digest and enjoy it.


Give Them Choices

Kids love to feel like they have a say in the decision. Do you want snow peas or English peas? Carrots or broccoli? Parsley or cilantro? When they feel ownership they are more likely to participate. It also saves me from taking multiple dinners and everyone gets what they want.

Don't Give Up

The more exposure kids have to healthy foods, the more likely they are to try them. Always include new healthy options at meal times alongside some of their favorite foods. Sometimes my daughter says she’s not interested in a particular vegetable, but I keep it as an option and she always comes back around to it.


Here’s a typical evening in our house, where my kids and I designed the menu. It’s based on our favorite healthy foods and letting them choose their own ingredients.


  • Organic Fruit Infused Water
  • Cauliflower Rice Bowls
  • Banana N’Ice Cream
  • Healthy Candy Bars

Organic Fruit Infused Water



  • Filtered Water 
  • Oranges 
  • Lemons 
  • Strawberries 
  • Lemongrass 
  • Rosemary 
  • Mint
  • Ginger


Let the kids choose ingredients to infuse in their water and have them help you cut them up. The kids can fill small water carafes with filtered water and add their own chosen fruit slices, herbs, and spices. Place the infused water in the fridge overnight or even just for 45 minutes while you’re cooking.

My daughter Anabella wanted strawberries and mint. My son Alexander preferred oranges and rosemary. Callum chose strawberries. They all made delicious choices and loved drinking them.


Cauliflower Rice Veggies Bowls



  • 1 Head of cauliflower
  • 2 Tablespoons coconut or sunflower oil
  • 1 small shallot
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1/2 cup bone broth or vegetable stock 
  • 1 tablespoon minced ginger
  • 1/2 lemon, juiced

Add veggies according to preference: 

  • 1/2 head broccoli
  • 1 large carrot, julienned
  • 1/2 bell pepper, diced
  • 1/2 cup snow peas
  • 1/2 cup English peas


  • Garam Masala 
  • Cumin 
  • Turmeric

Fresh herbs 

  • Cilantro 
  • Parsley 
  • Carrot Leaves


  • Pumpkin
  • Sunflower
  • Hemp hearts


Have the kids help to chop the cauliflower into tiny pieces after you remove stem and leaves. Let the kids crush the garlic cloves. Dice the shallot. Put the garlic and shallot in a small bowl.

Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large skillet over medium low. Have the kids pour the bowl of shallots and garlic in the pan carefully and then stir until tender, about 6 minutes. Let the kids add the chopped cauliflower and season with salt. Mine love to use the salt grinder! They can then measure out, pour in and stir in the broth (Epic Artisanal is one of my favorites); steam covered until broth has evaporated and cauliflower is tender, about 6 minutes. Transfer to a bowl and keep warm.


Let the children choose which combination of vegetables they want in their ‘rice’ and put them in a small bow. Make a pan for each child. In each pan, heat 1/2 tablespoon oil over medium. Add remaining shallot; cook stirring, until tender, about 5 minutes. Add remaining garlic, ginger; cook 1 minute. Let the children pour their veggie bowl in to the pan and stir. Cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Transfer cauliflower mixture to bowls and add vegetable mixture. Let the kids season with salt and then mix in their favorite toppings of herbs, spices, and seeds. My daughter loves cumin. My son loves garam masala. I use raw organic seeds. Lately my son and I have been adding radishes to finish as well. They’re delicious, as well as prebiotic.


Banana N’Ice Cream


When I was young, my family spent summers in Mexico and we always drank ‘banana milkshakes’ which was just very ripe bananas in the blender. If you freeze the bananas in glass first, the Vitamix turns it into ice cream – then you don’t waste ripe fruit. Then we sometimes used coconut milk or goat milk, but now with my kids, we use almond milk (other non-dairy milk options work great too, depending on allergies and preference).



  • 3 or 4 ripe bananas cut into chunks, frozen
  • splash of almond milk (or non dairy milk of choice)


Let the children place the frozen bananas in the Vitamix and blend until texture of ice cream. You can eat it just like this or add a splash of almond milk.

You can also make gelato by using frozen berries with no milk. The kids choose a mix of blackberries, blueberries. My favorite is cherries.

Making your own almond milk is easy but an extra step. When purchasing almond milk, look for brands that don’t use gums, sugar and other additives. I personally love the unsweetened versions of New Barns organic almond milk.


Healthy Candy Bar

I make these as a treat or to add in to the Banana ‘Ice Cream’ for variety.



  • 100% cacao bar
  • 75-80% chocolate bar 
  • Pure ground almond butter
  • Choose among the following for add ins: 
  • Hemp hearts
  • Ground flaxseed
  • Raw chopped pumpkin seeds
  • Cacao nibs
  • Coconut flakes 
  • Unsweetened goji berries


Melt the chocolate. Let the kids stir until smooth (they love this)! Let each child have their own small glass pan. Have them pour a thin layer of chocolate in. Everyone gets to choose their additional ingredients. Add a layer of seeds followed by a layer of almond butter, followed by another layer of toppings. Add a final layer of chocolate. Place in freezer until hardened and keep chilled until you’re ready to serve.

We break up the cacao bark and put it on top of the ice cream. I love Bonajuto 100 percent cacao bars for my version of the Healthy Candy Bar. For the kids I use 75-80 percent chocolate.

I find that the natural sweetness of almonds makes the chocolate bark taste sweet even though there’s little to no added sugar.

When purchasing nut butters, look for pure ground butters with no extra oils or sugar. MaraNatha Organic Raw Almond Butter is one that I love.


Thank you Wild Dove, for documenting an evening of meal time at our house. I love watching the smiles on my kids faces from the time we start making the meal to the time their tummies are filled and calm. I can rest easy at the end of a long day, knowing that I’m nourishing them and myself with beautiful food, and we all get to enjoy the process.


Rituals - Amy Shapiro


Founder of Real Nutrition

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My first ritual of the morning is...

"I ALWAYS wake up before the rest of my family to get my day started.  I need that time to myself to organize my thoughts and to get ready for the day ahead.  Mornings either consist of organizing and working OR heading out for a seriously early workout while everyone is still asleep at about 5:15 AM. Being outside in NYC at this hour is honestly one of my favorite things in the world. But, prior to either, I make my warm lemon water before I even change my clothes. I boil water, squeeze the juice of 1/2 of a lemon into a large mug, add a dash of cayenne pepper and during allergy season (currently) I add a dropper full of Nettle Leaf. If I’m working at home I’ll drink it at my kitchen table while typing away in silence or I’ll put it in a Swell bottle (currently obsessed with the new wide mouth version) and I’ll take it to go.  Sometimes I’ll have two mugs but often I’ll change to black coffee post kid wake up or post workout. I’ve been known to travel with my own lemons too!"


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Real Nutrition


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For women especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite mamas to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.