The Nue Co.

Lynn Loves

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove


Welcome back to Dove Loves, Lynn's definitive guide to the products and pieces she's loving - her favorites du jour, the holy grail of what she's coveting, researching, talking about, and obsessing over.


The Nue Co Plant Protein and Gut Food

I’m already a huge fan of The Nue Co. Debloat Food & Prebiotic so I knew I’d love the Plant Protein & Gut Food immediately. The prebiotic and probiotic aids digestion and metabolism with it's unique blend of hemp and pea protein making it the perfect addition to my morning smoothie with all my favorite adaptogens. It’s not super high-calorie, unlike so many proteins, but light and totally satisfying. One tablespoon is the equivalent of two eggs for that morning charge, while nine amino acids helps nails, hair, skin and immune system. Best of all worlds.