Lynn Loves

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove

To us, being sexy isn’t just about wearing head-to-toe lingerie and a three-inch stiletto (though it certainly can be). We love carving out small opportunities to feel sexy and beautiful everyday, even during the most banal of getting out of the bath or finishing a super intense workout.

So while we don’t need a designated day to be “sexy,” we can still use February 14th as an excuse to elevate our sex appeal with a few simple items. Be it for the body, the home, the wardrobe or for our own self are some of our favorite gifts to steer us in the direction of love all around, this Valentine’s Day.

Shoes by Saint Laurent | Lace Cuffs by Aurelie Bidermann | Rose Moon Sea Salts by Shiva Rose | Room Scent in Tabaco by Coqui Coqui | Eat Beautiful by Wendy Rowe | Invincible Living by Guru Jagat | The Body Book by Cameron Diaz | Red Socks by Vetements | Cade 26 Candle by Le Labo

Mama Said - Eva Alexandridis

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove

What on earth could a plastic surgeon have in common with astronauts?
Not much, we would assume. Well, fortunately for our skin, Dr. Yannis Alexandridis realized quite a bit.

When the London-based plastic surgeon started his practice, he couldn’t find skincare that would help heal his patients’ skin effectively following cosmetic procedures. In continuing his research, he found that skin ages faster in space due to environmental extremes and sought to collaborate with scientists responsible for astronauts’ well-being. Enter 111 Skin, a performance-driven skincare line that uses a special patented formula in its highly coveted, sell-out serums, masks and creams that we are obsessed with.

Speaking of obsession, Dr. Alexandridis’ wife Eva, who runs the business side of 111 Skin, is an inspiration in her own right. She’s hip, global and is the perfect physical manifestation of what space-age skincare can do. Not to mention, she’s a Mama balancing it all. We sat down with Eva to chat work, skincare and how she puts family first.


Your skin ages faster in space because of environmental extremes. For that reason, Dr. Alexandridis sought to collaborate with space scientists responsible for the well-being of astronauts. Our aims were essentially the same – creating a formula to protect, repair, prevent aging and nourish the skin. The key ingredient in our NAC Y² formula, N-Cystine, is an essential amino acid given to astronauts to delay damage from environmental extremes and radiation.


It was very exciting. It was great to work with an extremely talented and a knowledgeable group of people who understood our aims and needs of what we were looking to create. Astronauts need to have the most effectives formulas to cope in extremely harsh conditions – there is higher radiation, and no gravity – both accelerate aging and that needs to be balanced off with proper supplements.


In the beginning, my husband had no intention of creating a skincare range. He created the Y Theorem Repair Serum to help patients heal after surgery; it was a small little bottle that he would give complementary to clients in his clinic after they had surgical or nonsurgical treatments, but many were coming back and asking for more. It became almost impossible to stock, so he decided to create a range for everyone to use.



We had an initial idea but we worked closely with the space scientists and after a few revisions came up with the perfect ingredients. The key amino acid is the ingredient that is used in space to delay negative environmental conditions. The potent form of Vitamin C – Ascorbil Phosphate was suggested by Dr. Alexandridis, as it is a star antioxidant that can treat acne on the surface, stimulate collagen and also has skin-whitening abilities.



As a medical student in the U.S. training to be a surgeon, Dr. Alexandridis administers Glutathione injection for liver failure so he knew it was vital for life. It plays an important protection role by neutralizing harmful free radicals and repairing cells.

That’s incredible. OK now for some Fun questions. Can you take us through a typical day in terms of your diet and wellness regimen?

I start everyday with freshly squeezed grapefruit juice; it’s such a refreshing wake-up that gets me energized for the day ahead. After a proper breakfast of granola or fruit, I usually walk my youngest to school for some quality time together. Right after school drop off I have either a quick run or a 30 min workout session at home (using fitness DVD’s). Sadly I do not have one whole hour to dedicate to a gym session and that is why I discovered the DVD’s-they travel with me everywhere as it is so easy to do 30 minutes anytime. I do try to have a work lunch. I love dark chocolate and have a bit every day. Dinners are usually at home with the kids, healthy recipes following the Mediterranean diet, lots of fresh fish and grass fed meat and always variety of veggies.

What’s your favorite ritual with your family?

My husband and I work in close proximity to each other, my office is around the corner from his Harley Street Clinic. We try and see each other for a quick lunch once or twice a week and in the evenings we spend time with our two sons and stay off email and phones to avoid being distracted by work issues. Family holidays are always set in advance and never changed for work related issues. Skiing in February and sailing in the Greek islands are a yearly occurrence. Recently we started diving. My 11 year old son, my husband and I dive together while our 6 year old stays on the surface snorkeling. Luckily he sees just as much exciting corals as we do in the deep waters.

Love that. What’s your “therapy?”

Spending time with friends and family. Family is so important and watching my sons grow up and planning activities for us to do is what makes me most happy.  I also love to take time out to go for a run, having previously trained as an athlete, taking time to exercise clears my head and prepares me for the day. Our new addition, a Jack Russell, allows us all to hang out more together as a family, as we go for long walks in the park together.

You're stranded on a desert island, what are you five must-haves?

My husband, kids, Y Theorem Repair Serum, music and champagne.

What makes you fly?

Seeing my kids laugh for no reason and seeing my business grow with the help of my very young and talented team.

FInd out More

What’s in your Bag? - A Wild Dove’s Lynn Levoy

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove

For our first WIYB series, we look no further than Founder and Creative Director of A Wild Dove, Lynn Levoy, who is always toting an oversized sack full of goodies to take her from AM to PM. When running around the city, whether for work, play or Mama-ing, (yeah we just made that up), Lynn’s   go-to bag these days is a large Celine Cabas Twist tote. “The bigger, the better,” says Lynn. “Somehow they seem to get larger each time I buy a new one. And then they become like a big black hole...” Well, let’s do a deep dive into that black hole, complete with makeup, tech gadgets, sunnies and so much more...

Lip Balms - “I don’t wear much make up, but for some reason I need multiple clear glosses at all times. Lately, Glossier’s Coconut Balm Dotcom is my go-to. I have one at all times and even all around my apartment. I also love Glossier Lip Gloss. It’s so gooey. On that random occasion that red is in order, I go for Glossier Zip.  It's very satin and not heavy at all. It's super low maintenance. And Rodin Lip Balm with a slight sparkle. Just because.”

Kevyn Aucoin Eyelash Curler - “I use it everyday, even when I’m not wearing mascara. It gives my eyes an extra pop.”

YSL Shocking Mascara - "I've used it forever. I have tried everything but I always go back."

Shu Uemura Mascara Brush/Comb - “A makeup artist told me about this years ago. It’s a lifesaver. When I do wear mascara, I like lots and lots of coats. It’s the only way to get the clumps out and separate your lashes.”

“And I always use Glossier’s Pink Pouches perfect for make up and just about anything else."

Glossier Coconut Balm Dotcom & Lip Gloss | Rodin Lip Balm | Kevyn Aucoin Eyelash Curler | YSL Shocking Mascara | Nars Copacabana Multiple | Nars Concealer | Shu Uemura Mascara Brush/Comb | Anastasia Brow Pencil & Clear Brow Gel



Vintage Ray Ban Aviator Sunglasses With Yellow Lens - 

“My latest find. Obsessed.”


Eye Glasses by Culter & Gross | Yellow Vintage Sunglasses by Ray Ban | Black Sunglasses by Saint Laurent

Notebook by Moleskin | Wallet by Commes de Garcons | Graphic Pen by Pigma | Camera by Canon

Moleskin Notebook -  “I love a list. And nothing is better than crossing off to do’s.”  

Pigma Graphic Pen - " I'm very particular about pens for some reason. This is my current fave.”

Epi Pen - Callum was diagnosed with a peanut and nut allergy at two years old. I never leave home without two pens at all times.”

Love Note from Callum - “Nothing makes me happier.”

Snacks - “Especially with Callum’s peanut/nut allergy, I never know what the food situation will be, so I basically carry a small shop at all times.”

Kid Robot and Plus Plus Building- "Best distraction."

“And I of course never leave home without my iPad, iPhone, chargers, headphones, water, Trident Minty Sweet Twist and my wallet - the stars

make me happy."


Aurelie Bidermann pouches (these bags come with your your purchase. They're the best, I use them for everything).  “My bag is full of them to stay organized, except I then can't remember what’s in which one and I end up opening everyone one. People behind me in line love it..."


Pouches by Aurelie Bidermann | Hand Sanitiser by Aesop | All Electronics by Apple


Oversized Twisted Cabas Bag by Celine | Top by Nili Lotan | Jeans by Vetements | Boots by Balenciaga | Ring by Jennifer Fisher

Our Modern Day Healer - Angela Shore & Jiva-Apoha

Written by A Wild Dove 


Angela Shore came into our world like a beam of light that warmed us from within.

This was six years ago and she was in the process of starting her Ayurvedic oil brand Jiva-Apoha and gave us some samples to try. In one fell swoop, we were hooked.

(Personal favorite? Atman, meaning spirit. It’s calming, grounding and purifying). Since then Angela has touched so many lives with her oils and her presence. Her seasoned past, having studied Ayurveda in Kerala and working under a master healer and seasoned medicine woman for 15 years, comes through in every product.

She is truly healer in her own right, whose oils help others find peace, relief and answers. 

We are honored to feature Angela and Jiva-Apoha as she embodies everything A Wild Dove is all about.

Read on as she shares her beautiful journey below -

Full disclosure - We love your oils. So naturally we’d love to know how you were introduced to oils and the impact they've had on your life….

I became a believer in using plant and essential oils almost 30 years ago, tapping into anything that was cutting edge in alternative healing for the body. I learned how to cook with root vegetables, spices and herbs; it all went hand in hand in recognizing the choices that offered good health. Back then I did my first cleanse, detox, and had a strict vegetarian diet for some time. It was truly the beginning to feel the difference in shedding layers physically and mentally which brought me to finding my spirituality.

Amazing. And what benefits can modern women receive from having these oils in their life? How about Ayurveda in general?

Prevention is a modern way in caring for ourselves. The more we educate, gain knowledge, practice ancient remedies and treat our skin with the best oils, the more we can achieve in feeling better with a peace of mind. Skincare is body care, which is a personal love in healing. In Ayurveda, it’s normal to oil the body for 20 minutes before rinsing which is traditional. In the West, it’s more common that people may not have enough time to practice, so it’s easier to have an oiling body ritual as a steady grab as soon as you step out the bath or shower, which in return allows the oil to absorb right away in the pores, gives the body what it needs by receiving nutrients, nourishes the tissues, organs, and gives an overall glowing physical appearance in moisturizing.

Can you tell us how you create the oils?

Jiva-Apoha oil blends are created with a feeling that resonates a story; each chosen oil essentially make up’s the unique healing properties. A day in the lab requires devoted attention as each is bottle is made by hand with clarity. It’s a soothing joyful rhythm; where energy exudes within on the receiving end.

I treat each order as a personal healing.


Speaking of clarity what's your definition of balance?  


How do you maintain it?

Keeping a healthy routine by positive choices, working with good diet and supplements and letting go of what no longer serves energetically. Time is of essence and I choose to surround myself with people who live for creating happy moments.


Love that. Can you describe your favorite ritual of the week?

Going to a quiet place within, sometimes with bodywork or a visit in nature.

And where, when and with whom do you feel most alive?

I’m stimulated in extreme environments - from sensory overload in cities to driving through the desert, to experiencing other cultures. I get a rush in the journey itself exploring new places and travels. I’m most alive when I work with the divine.

Can you describe your journey in launching Jiva-Apoha and any mistakes you've made along the way that have helped you grow? Do you have any lessons to impart?

It’s a learning process as every business has its ups and downs. I started Jiva-Apoha on credit. In some ways it’s been challenging, which in retrospect has brought me more personal growth in the making. I just want to continue building solid relationships and doing good business with others who are in full support of where Wellness can lead to down the road.

Ok, switching gears. What is your spirit animal?



At this very moment; Barack and Michelle Obama, Meryl Streep, Winona LaDuke, Mark Ruffalo, LaDonna Brave Bull Allard, Mavis Staples, Neil Young, Susan Sarandon, Patti Smith, Iggy Pop, Anthony Bourdain, Gloria Steinem, Julianne Moore, Viggo Mortensen, Viola Davis, Leo DiCaprio and Dalai Lama.
We’re sitting in a rustic farm setting with lush rolling hills on a private tropical island surrounded by turquoise blue water.

That sounds heavenly. And how has music shaped your path? What's your greatest music memory?

Music has opened my heart and keeps my spirit alive in motion all these years. I have many great music memories. As a young kid I started going to shows but one vivid memory in 1977, I snuck through backstage with my Uncle Ricky at Fleetwood Mac concert during their Rumours tour. I remember my heart beating fast and sliding past security while Mick Fleetwood was on the longest drum roll.   

What makes you fly?   


Angela Shore - Photographed by Martin Sobey | Jiva Apoha Products -  Photographed by Eric White & Styled by Lynn Levoy


The Art of Smudging

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove

There was a brief period in time when my kids suspected I was smoking weed in my bedroom.

They didn't know what I was up to, but the smell of me burning sage or ‘SMUDGING” before my mediations was something new for them. Today, Smudging is a consistent practice I do in my home and whenever I travel. Smudging, or the burning of certain herbs, has a rich spiritual past that’s originated in the Native American culture. The intentional act of of smudging is believed to cleanse negative energy, purify and protect in a place, object or person.

Many differing cultures have their own methods and herbal mixtures for this purpose. Smudging, when done correctly, can bring physical, spiritual and emotional balance. If you are someone sensitive to energy and the vibration around you, you will notice a difference of clarity in your environment after smudging.

When to Smudge

- Clearing energy when moving into a new space. We never know who was in the space prior so it’s important to cleanse the space and banish unwanted energies.

- After an argument or leftover bad feelings. (After any sad or traumatic events)

- Routinely weekly cleansing


Sage is the most commonly used herb for smudging. The smoke of  sage is intended to heal and purify the mind, body, and environment and clear negative energy. Sage also has a calming effect on our nerves, so it is particularly useful if we’re feeling nervous, angry, or our space feels that type of energy is lingering.

Cypress and Juniper works both as a purifier and as a way to attract good energy in your direction.

Palo Santo is known as the “holy wood/stick.” Palo santo is derived from specific trees found in the South American rainforests of Galapagos Islands, Ecuador and Peru and has been used for most of known history for a variety of healing. This includes medicines, native ceremonies and especially in Incan culture, spiritual clearing of a space, crowd or person. Palo Santo is a personal favorite scent I love and I keep it burning throughout my home.

Design Your Own
I create my own sage bundles with rose petals and a variety of loose flowers for holiday gifts. I love the way look setting out with my collection of crystals.



Set your intention before you light your sage. Be clear about what it is your soul is wanting and as you burn your herbs, you can either say your intention firmly or recite a mantra to ask the negative energies to leave and bring light and love into your space. Make it personal to whatever it is you are desiring.

Open a window to allow the negative energies out and light the smudge stick or pick off one leaf to burn. Once the flame ignites quickly blow it out.

Waft the smoke first around yourself either from head to toe or from the bottom up.I like to make sure I get to all of my chakras.

Next, smudge around the space (make sure to get the corners of the areas where it holds stagnant energy). You can use a feather to waft the smoke in a clockwise direction, or you can use your hand as well. You can place the herb in a fireproof vessel while mediating and setting intentions. (please make sure the flame is down)

Smudging objects is important, especially crystals to make sure they are purified before practices. And, as someone who loves vintage shopping, I always smudge my purchases when I bring them home.

Rockstar Teenagers - Sophie Kos

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove

We often read about the benefits of yoga to help us destress, find our centers, connect with mindful living. There’s also been a lot of research that supports how helpful it is for children to prevent ADHD, anger and anxiety. But what about pre-teens and teenagers? Those whose hormones are through the roof, those who are at “that age” and discovering themselves at the cross section between childhood and adulthood?  Sophie Kos, 16, questioned that too.

A New York native, she started practicing yoga when she was 11 years old to help with anxiety disorders and learning disabilities. “I was taken out of school by my parents to heal from very severe dyslexia and anxiety,” says Sophie. “I was not in a great place and I was barely doing any type of movement at all.  I was about to be put on medication but my parents decided to hire a private yoga instructor.” Sophie’s mother and father (designer Jay Kos) hired a woman named Katrina Foy, who Sophie started working with weekly. While she was challenged in the beginning, after a few months her passion for yoga and movement came through.  Fast forward five years, and Sophie is a certified full-time instructor. With her parents’ blessing, she dropped out of school and earned her 200 hour certification from Ishtar Yoga and is currently working on her 300 hour certification. She is specializing in helping teens like herself use yoga toward through everyday battles of life. We sat down with this rockstar teenager to talk about her path, her family and how she hopes to help others like herself - 


Wow, so you’re 16 and teaching yoga. Amazing.

Can you describe how yoga has helped shaped the path to where you are now?

Over the years I have suffered from a lot of anxiety and learning challenges and was always trying to escape what I felt.  But yoga teaches you to focus inward and listen to whatever feelings may be coming up then to create some space between them and then you go from there. I decided to start this teen yoga class because I know that yoga can be very beneficial to teens since it is a time where there is so much stress from school, hormones, and more. It’s so easy to lose your individuality in our very “by the book society” that we so easily get stuck just moving through the motions. So I wanted to create a space where we can really focus inward on what you need and what your intentions are.  

So true. And why do you think you resonated so much with yoga? Did you try other things in the past that you enjoyed or didn't enjoy?

I think what really resonated with me was how individualized the yoga practice can be.  There is really no right or wrong way to do yoga or what your yoga practice needs to look like or feel like.  I have always had a very hard time feeling comfortable in my body and yoga has really helped me with that as well.  I have always loved fitness and working out and still do. I have tried almost everything - pilates, barre, cardio classes, running, cycling, boxing. I love a lot of these things as well, as long as I balance them out with yoga.  

For me yoga has been something that I can do when I am feeling overly stressed, anxious, down or even if I can’t sleep.  I think it has made me less of a nervous person as well.  One of the major things is that I feel like it has made me way more in touch with my body and what I’m feeling.  I also feel that I listen to pain or symptoms in my body with a lot more respect than I used to.  I used to push myself at the gym way past my limit and now when I feel something I know to stop or take a step back.  


It’s incredible how self-aware you are, more than most adults! So when you have time, what are some of your favorite things to do besides yoga?

I love to go to other fitness classes at The Circuit of Change and The Class is a recent discovery. I love to take bike rides on the Hudson River with my mom, family dinners when my dad cooks, family walks around the West Village on the weekends...I love fashion, putting on essential oils, playing with my dog.

Family time is so special. Speaking of which, how have your parents played a role through your journey?

My parents have played a huge role in my journey by allowing me to drop out of high school and always supporting the decisions that I make. They helped me get internship and introduced me to people in the fashion/fitness industry to help me get jobs and network. And just always giving me great advice and protecting me.  I seriously couldn’t and wouldn’t be in the place I am in without them.  



“Yo Gee”


A black panther.


I love a lot of different kind of music but my favorite is Alternative and Rap...some of my favorite artists are  Florence and the Machine, Coldplay, Sia, Frank Ocean, Jay Z, Kygo, Regina Spektor, Eminem.  


Mind Body - I love working out and trying new classes so it helps me book different workout classes and try new things.


Pigeon pose with a bolster.





Great Khaite

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove


Sometimes a new label is so good that you want to keep it all to yourself,  but at the same time, shout it out from the rooftops. That’s how we feel about Khaite, a new ready-to-wear brand by Catherine Holstein which debuted this fall at mecca-of-all-things-chic, uber-boutique, The Line.


Everything about Khaite is so good - it’s refreshingly straightforward and features clean lines that feel both minimal yet totally luxurious. It’s ready-to-wear that exudes confidence in the form of a masculine meets feminine aesthetic, which we love.

It’s strong, yet soft. Classic yet modern.

Not to mention, the jeans are perfection. It’s like your favorite pair of worn-in Levi’s, but better. We’re talking Legs. For. Days.


Bodysuits reminiscent of old school 90’s, but way cooler. Timeless pieces that aren’t trendy, but rather, true investment items that are seasonless, effortless and will take you from day-to-night with the simple change of a shoe.

The quality is fantastic - super soft cashmeres, sexy silks and crisp cottons. AND the fit is on point. It’s cool, easy dressing that has already become our uniform this season.


Jeans by Khaite | Black Bodysuit by Khaite |

Green Sweater by Khaite | Black Boots by Vetements

Rings by Jennifer Fisher


Master Cleanse

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove

There seems to be a disconnect between how much we value our clothing and how we end up caring for it...why buy a Vetements sweatshirt, only to throw it into the washing machine with a heaping scoop of harsh detergent ? When we first walked by The Laundress in Soho, a jewel box of a shop complete with crystal chandeliers and a clean, crisp white palette, we were enthralled with the seemingly unlimited options of how to care for your, well, everything.

It’s easy to get lost in the world of The Laundress', founders' Gwen Whiting and Lindsey Boyd’s vision of how to best advance the world of fabric care through luxury products. We became instantly hooked on the Signature Detergent, which is perfectly formulated with surfactants, color guard and stain-fighting enzymes, yet with an addictively lush scent of jasmine. The fabric conditioner helps clothing and sheets be their best selves, with a plant-derived fabric softener that reduces wrinkles and conditions properly. There’s literally a treatment for every item in your closet. For you SoulCyclers or The Class addicts, the Sport Detergent keeps you smelling fresh before, during and after your workout. It has a special formulation that keeps activewear in top form. We even love the baby detergent - it’s non-toxic, allergen-free and oh, so sweet smelling. Plus, the New Mom Starter Kit makes the perfect gift. It's all mamas need to keep their babes looking and smelling fresh with an assortment of Baby Detergent, Fabric Conditioner, Baby Fabric Fresh, Stain Solution and Bleach Alternative - all super safe and gentle. From Denim Wash to Wool and Cashmere spray, you’ll be overtaking your laundry room in no time.

As if we couldn’t get more addicted, there’s also a full-fledged collection of home cleaners like dish detergent, surface spray and bleach alternative. Because who doesn’t want to feel just a little fabulous, even amidst life’s most unfabulous moments? 

Stars of David

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove


We’re not the type to jump on the latest juice cleanse.

We like to eat.

But we also like to feel good. Which is why David Kirsch supplements have become the holy grail of our daily diet regimen. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this lifestyle wunderkind, Kirsch is a leading authority on achieving optimal health and well-being at any age or fitness level. His famous Madison Square Club sees the likes of athletes, CEO’s and celebrities who are converts to his signature combination of mind-body conditioning, multi-tasking workouts and smart nutrition. 


Not to mention, his website,, features a wealth of detox programs, supplements in the form of powders and delicious foods as well as his best-selling books. But if it’s all a little overwhelming for a newbie David Kirsch convert, here is a roundup of our favorite products that you’ll soon be chugging daily.


AM Daily Detox

There’s no healthier way to start your day than with a natural body detox to eliminate free radicals that wreak havoc on your skin and organs (duh). This morning drink is the best defense against work, stress, poor eating habits and lack of exercise - all sources of stress, that we as women, experience on a daily basis. Using the health benefits of red wine grapes, 10 different berries, Lycopene, Resveratrol and Pycnogenol, this drink features an immensely rich source of antioxidants without the added sugar and calories often in a fruit juice cleanse.

Thermo Bubbles

Your new morning coffee. Your new weapon to face the world. Your can’t-get-through-drop-off-without-it drink. This fast-acting, effervescent, natural fat-burner is the quickest way to melt the fat and even better, it stocks you with energy to last all day. Not to mention, Thermo Bubbles is the Hollywood beauty secret that has helped actors, actresses and models get runway and red carpet ready for years. It features two proprietary blends of vitamins, herbs and minerals, a Weight Management Blend and a Thermogenic Blend. Thermo Bubbles works to boost your energy level and metabolism while curbing your appetite and promoting lean muscle mass.


Calming Bubbles

Lit-er-ally drinkable therapy (and we’re not talking Pinot Noir) for those days when your crazy busy schedule leaves you frenzied, unfocused or ready to inhale a bag of cookies. It is one of the best (legal) stress relievers after a long day. According to Kirsch, anxiety can increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol, triggering cravings that often add extra layers to the tummy and causes one to feel fatigued or blue. Calming Bubbles contains natural calming agents that help you better manage stress and its negative effects.


Vitamin Mineral Powder

Throw away those all those vitamin jars. This single-source nutritional powerhouse is your new daily multivitamin. And without all those pesky pills, the liquid form is much easier for your body to absorb. Kirsch's vitamin mineral "super juice" is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals - everything you need in a daily multivitamin. Plus, it contains superior natural source antioxidants like spirulina, acerola ́́berry, coral calcium and heart-healthy coenzyme Q10 and an extra boost of vitamin C and D3. Yum!

Obviously we are loyalists to anything this nutritional genius puts on the market. Now, if he would just create a vitamin-infused rosé, we’d really be in business.


Mama Said - HeyMama

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove


If motherhood has ever left you feeling lost or alone (and let’s face it, who hasn’t felt that way?), the ladies behind heymama are inviting you in to join their community of awesome mamas doing incredible things in the creative space.

Amri Kibbler met business partner Katya Libin on a playdate in Brooklyn with their three-month old daughters when the pair became great friends. Though they were both working 9-5 jobs, Amri as a magazine editor and Katya doing business development, they decided to start a site to connect women globally.

The result?

A place to collaborate, inspire and support all moms in their work. Some of the badass mamas on the site range from designers like Rebecca Taylor and Jenni Kayne, to fashion blogger Charlotte Groeneveld. Since the site launched, heymama has grown into a full scale membership organization that connects working mamas to each other, thus inspiring collaboration, creation and friendship. We sat down with Amri and Katya to talk inspiration for the site, their proudest moment yet and what they think today’s mom needs to thrive -


What made you decide to launch HeyMama?

Amri: Our original motivation was much simpler than where we are now. Originally Katya and I were looking for a way to connect with other cool moms, we'd both struggled to find women we could relate to who had kids. In our early brainstorming stages we started meeting up with as many mamas for coffees and playdates as we could to pick their brains and soon realised that the thing we were talking about was our careers, both present and aspirational. Our community wanted to network and share the struggle to make their dreams happen while being a present mother.

Katya: We believe that mamas are stronger together than apart and that there is a beautiful community out there of women who are passionate about their voice and dreams outside of motherhood. We wanted to celebrate and connect them together.


What was the goal behind it and do you think you're achieving it?

Amri: We do! We aim to create a space for creative and entrepreneurial women that encourages and inspires them while providing real insight and advice they can relate to. We get so much interaction from our followers saying that it's made a difference for them!

Katya: We would love for mamas to feel connected and unified in their shared personal journeys to build their companies and express themselves creatively while being parents.  We know it can feel isolating at times when you're sending an email at 2am but there are so many mamas doing the same, it's comforting to know that you're dreams are not too big, and achievable with the right support system.


What’s been your proudest moment on the site?

Katya: I think my proudest moment was having a mama with a small chocolate business email me the nicest note I've ever been sent.  We were able to help her business in a powerful way and she told us about how she was able to show her daughter how hard works pays off. I think I cried. That and being in Vogue Bambini was pretty cool!!


What were some of the issues you were facing as a new mom that contributed to this idea?

Amri: We were going through the same thing at the same time.  I didn't have a strong network of mama friends I could relate to and lean on, so I felt isolated in that part of my life. I also wanted to make a career change and was looking for answers on how to figure out what I really wanted to do and how to get started. heymama was created out of a search to fill those two voids.


What do you hope women will get out of HeyMama?

Amri: The support system of community. A reassurance that the opportunities available to them are not limited to the jobs on LinkedIn. That there are women crafting their own career identities and building brands, women just like them, who started out with just ideas and turned it into a successful business.

Location: Two Hands Restaurant & Bar, NYC



Ridin' Dirty

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove


So maybe we had one or two pieces of pie at our holiday dinner. And what’s a New Year’s Eve celebration without a midnight champagne toast (or two or three) ? So once January 1st  (fine, January 2nd) came along, we wanted to detox...

Enter Dirty Lemon.

It’s all about “staying real” and enjoying ourselves - no meal plans, cheat days or 14-day fads. We also love a direct and simple philosophy to juicing, particularly when it’s all natural and comes in chic, streamlined packaging. The one week detox features cold pressed lemon juice to cleanse the system and alkalize the body, as well as activated charcoal that absorbs thousands of times its own volume in toxins. Ginger and dandelion root aid the body’s natural digestive process, while the daily formula is designed to help to calm the stomach, flush out the kidneys and trap impurities before they can be absorbed by the body. (On a side note, we even find that it helps with bloating and other PMS-related issues, which is a major bonus.)

The brand added a special Skin + Hair formula, featuring collagen peptides, as well as, a Sleep variation of Magnesium and rose water, among other calming agents. There’s even an energy drink with adaptogenic herbs to keep you going.  But the best part is that food isn’t off the menu. Dirty Lemon isn’t a cleanse, but a simple way to add some cleansing properties into the diet and reset our bodies. Not to mention, it has the simplest reordering process on earth. All you have to do is text the number when you’re ready for another round - day or late night.

Now, onto the next resolution.



What to Wear this New Year’s...Anywhere

Written by A Wild Dove 

Ahh New Year’s Eve... 

Never in the English language have three words conjured up so much anxiety. What are the plans? Do we even have plans? To go out or not to go out? Somehow, we tend to overthink that whatever we do or don’t do, on New Year’s Eve is some greater metaphor for the current state of our lives. Well, whatever it is you do - be it a visit to your old standby restaurant or a night out at the latest hotspot, we’ve got your wardrobe covered.


From your best friend’s house party to a chic dinner out, high-waisted denim, either vintage Levi’s (from What Goes Around Comes Around of course) or Khaite are our favorites. Pair it with a Nili Lotan cami or vintage Alaïa sequin plunging top for WOW.



Leopard Print Cami by Nili Lotan

Black Cami by Nili Lotan | Jeans by Khaite | Vintage Levi's Jeans by What goes Around Comes Around | Black Sequin Top by Azzedine Alaïa from What Goes Around Comes Around | Grey Fur Jacket by Marc Jacobs (Stylist's Own) | Black Boots by Balenciaga | Bag by Gucci | Choker by Jennifer Fisher | Pendant Necklace by Aurelie Bidermann


The beauty of velvet, aside from being fall’s IT texture, is that it can somehow transcend almost any evening out. Our favorite velvet slip dress by Nili Lotan can also give serious vibes when styled underneath a Vetements jacket.


Dress by Nili Lotan | Jacket by Vetements Boots by Vetements


Going out, as in all out? When you’re popping bubbly in the back of your Uber, only the chicest look will do. Channel your inner glamourpuss with most luxe of fabrics, velvet. Nili Lotan’s cami dress is perfect, layered under fur-white fur, that is. (Preferably vintage. Our pick? What Goes Around Comes Around.) Add some Aurelie Bidermann pendants and you've got major decadence.


Dress by Nili Lotan | Vintage Fur Jacket by What Goes Around Comes Around | Shoes by Saint Laurent | Necklaces by Aurelie Bidermann | Rings by Jennifer Fisher


Loyal to the Oil

Written & by Photographed A Wild Dove

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Oils are definitely having their moment in the beauty world. And why not, they keep our skin looking dewy and our hair shiny.

As winter is now fully upon us, we need that extra boost of hydration to keep ourselves looking as glowy as we do throughout the summer months.

Here are some of our favorites -


Sunday Riley Juno Hydroactive Cellular Face Oil

We are literally glowing after using this product. Its botanically active blend of cold-pressed, powerhouse seed oils helps brighten your skin without feeling greasy. It leaves skin soft and even blends well with make up. Mix it in with your everyday moisturiser, to save time and for extra radiance.


Kahina Giving Beauty Prickly Pear Seed Oil

We’re fans of everything about this amazing line. But the Prickly Pear oil is a totally magic elixir that really works !  It brightens under the eyes for those prone to dark circles and reduces spider veins throughout the body. Rich in vitamin K and antioxidants. It’s light, non-greasy and leaves your skin glowing, tight and super soft.






This exquisite oil is a blend of White Caviar,  Organic Baobab and Camellia Oil combined with precious gemstones.

The result  -  it leaves you hair feeling super silky with zero build up. It’s the perfect amount of hydration and its non-greasy formula doesn’t weigh down hair. Oh, and it also smells amazing...

Dios Mio!

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove

We’re not ones to buy into hype, particularly in the form of skin care. Sure, we invest in top quality products, but we refuse to hop on the latest fad or high end cream. Which is why Mio Skincare is SO GOOD. Mio delivers results - whether in the form of pregnancy body care, aging issues or all around tightening and contouring. We could go on and on singing the praises of the phenomenal line, but we picked our faves below- 


Shrink to Fit

Fortified with a high concentration of antioxidants, caffeine, rosemary extract, green tea and horsetail plant, this luxe moisturizing cream is designed to help reduce the appearance of uneven, bumpy areas and increase skin’s elasticity. A natural combat for trouble spots like hips, thighs and arms. And who doesn’t need that?


Dry Brush

This exfoliating brush features natural boar bristles and massage nodules that removes lazy skin cells and dirt. By polishing and massaging all over to stimulate circulation, you’ll eliminate layers of dead skin and improve its overall appearance. Done and done.


Get Waisted

We like the sound of this already. The gold standard of the Mio assortment, this amazing cream is formulated with Rhodofiltrat Delessaria, pharmaceutical grade caffeine and Oat Protein Complex to help replenish moisture to improve the look and feel of skin as well as flatten and contour those pesky little bulges that come with age.

The Activist

Get marching! The “superfood of skincare,” this body oil works to soothe skin while balancing the look of scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tone. It’s intensely hydrating, antioxidant rich formula delivers moisture and nutrients deep down to boost strength and elasticity. It also pumps bounce and radiance back into aging skin! Bonus.


Double Buff

This non-abrasive scrub is dedicated to revealing brighter, smoother, more even toned skin using an omega-rich exfoliator of pumice, lava and bamboo. Extract of fig and organic shea butter also hydrates and moisturizes while organic sweet almond oil soothe sensitive skin. The results are smooth and supple looking skin with renewed clarity and radiance.



Workout Wonder

Perfect for pre and post-workout, this gel is like a spa session for your muscles that helps to soothe and cool. Featuring a cocktail of herbs and extracts like horse chestnut, horsetail extracts and a natural blend of essential oils, the formula leaves limbs feeling energized and ache-free.


Plant Life

Written & Photographed by A Wild Dove


To quote the “Cheers” theme song, Gingersnap’s Organic is indeed a place where everyone knows your name. Except instead of offering pints of beer or shots of whiskey, this homey West Village cafe is serving up delicious juices, salads, wraps and pastas, all within the context of vegan, raw food. The brain behind the brainfood is Jamie Graber, an entrepreneur who opened Gingersnap’s four years ago, which in a short time has drawn significant buzz from both raw foodies and foodies alike. 


When did you first get involved in the raw movement and was there one memory or moment when you realized this was the lifestyle for you?

I was raw for five years, until I met my husband, who is a chef, which changed things. I was living in LA at the time and doing a yoga teacher training and I had struggled with eating. But after doing teacher training and just being in California, I was eating more plant-based for sure, but I wasn’t attached to anything. All the sudden I went raw and it was amazing. I hadn’t even thought about going into it for work, but one of the of girls in class started talking about Juliano Brotman, the head chef at Juliano’s Raw. I met him next day and he said, ‘You’re hired...I don’t know what for, but you’ll work here.’ That propelled me. From there, I managed a restaurant called Rawvolution. When I moved on a whim to New York, I came home to feel it out. I landed and stayed and ended up opening here.


Graber got her start, as most raw proponents do, in Los Angeles, but her hometown soon came calling, where she saw a void in the market for a proper sit-down cafe offering delicious plant-based fare. We sat down with Graber to talk about juices, meat-eating husbands and why french fries aren’t always such a bad thing -


It morphs and changes so often. At first I thought it would be a store with all raw foods from around the city. But I started paying attention to signs and flow and I met my husband, and it turned into to more of a cafe. At the time, there was One Lucky Duck but there was no room to sit, it wasn’t quite the thing we were talking about. My husband is very much a meat eater. He studied at the French Culinary Institute and cooked at Del Posto. He said, ‘You need to make a place where even if I didn’t eat this way, I would love it.’ Also I wanted a plant based menu that was light. Lots of vegan food is really heavy with tofus and seitans. It has a nice balance to it. Then we started with juices, which is a huge part of our business. We’re now offering cleanses and that’ how it all evolved.


How has the raw food movement evolved or changed since you opened the shop?

I think there is a larger amount of options with all the pop-up places and chains like Juice Press and Juice Generation. They all have some raw options. When I was raw, I was so dogmatic about it. It was a label of who I was. Now, what’s nice is that it’s part of people’s lives but it’s not like, you’re either raw or you’re not. Our customer is more like my husband. Everyone is putting raw into their diets now, it’s not just diehards.


What's one thing that would surprise most people about the raw lifestyle?

People think it has to be all or nothing. Again, it’s about understanding the benefits of a plant-based diet without having to go the whole way. I think people are surprised that I will eat french fries. I eat stuff that has no nutritional value but when I live in the space of mostly plant-based food, there is room to have other foods in life. And you wind up feeling OK because you don’t overdo it. It keeps you in balance. Once you decide to be in a healthy lifestyle, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a candy bar. There’s room for all of it.



Where do you see the future of Gingersnaps Organic going?

I love the idea of a community cafe. I love knowing so many people and who know my staff. It's their family. I have no desire to have multiple locations. Certainly not in New York. Where I see myself five years from now is probably having one shop in LA and spending time in both places.

That’s the big dream.