Rituals - Malia Mills


Founder of Malia Mills

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Photographed by Caitlin Mitchell


My last ritual of the day is...

"wine, chocolate and candles. It's more addiction, less romance novel. (Plus, it's more glamorous than admitting I don't wash my face at night - I like to let the natural oils do their thing). Ritter Sport dark chocolate with marzipan. Washed down with some version of a grassy white or a spicy red. Our apartment is essentially an open space and at night we always light candles scattered here and there. A ritual begun with my friend Sarah Meikle when we were roommates in my first apartment/office in NNYC. In addition to a lifetime supply of Ikea tea lights we have a collection of Fornasetti candles - the first time I experienced their magic was on the house boat of our friend Paul. He's docked on the Seine in Paris near Place de la Concorde (I promise I'm not making this up) so the scent reminds us of this insanely amazing time and place."


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Malia Mills


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite women to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Jaycee Gossett


Founding Teacher and Director of Training & Development of The Class By Taryn Toomey


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My first ritual of the morning is...

"water...lots and lots of water! I add WelleCo green powder to my water and I also love E3 live algae with lemon. But before I get out of bed Adam and I have a good morning ritual where whomever is the first to get up and out of bed, MUST kiss and hug the other person. He gets really mad when I forget! Which is often :-)"



Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite women to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Jamie Graber


Founder of Organically Jamie


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My favorite ritual when I am alone...

"whenever I am traveling, whether I am staying at a hotel or with friends and family, the first thing I do is set up a sacred space for my mediation. It starts with my traveling altar, that I ALWAYS have with me. An altar is different for everyone. For me, it's about my crystals, crystal jewelry, Palo Santo, a candle and a leather pouch they travel in - all which has special meanings to me. By having these things close by, it helps keep me feeling grounded and connected..."

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Organically Jamie


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite women to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Jimena Garcia


Celebrity Eyebrow Artist

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My favorite ritual alone is...

"to once a week, sit down and write my thoughts on whatever inspired ideas, learned, seen, or write a letter to someone dear to me. I get so much joy from drawing the shapes of letters. Since as long as I remember, I have loved calligraphy and my mother would always use beautiful pens and Irish green ink only. I believe it was her example that created this ritual."


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Jimena Brows


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite women to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Larissa Thomson


Founder of ONDA Beauty

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My first ritual of the morning is...

"Coffee. I know this is maybe not what you thought but I love my coffee and I am very specific about it :) Then I drink a tall glass of water with The Beauty Chef's Hydration, Glow and Collagen all together. It taste great and has all the pre and probiotics I need plus more. Then I try to meditate, though it doesn't always happen in the morning, so I then try to carve out another time of day even if it’s only 10 min.

Heading into the bathroom, I generally switch up my cleanser depending on what my skin needs and what mood I am in but right now I am loving Dr. Alkaitis Organic Purifying Facial Cleanser, Goop’s Luminous Melting Cleanser and May Lindstrom's Pendulum Potion. I first I splash my face with cold water to reduce any puffiness then I cleanse. I try to cleanse using circular motions with my hand for as close to a minute as possible. This will help increase circulation. I remove the cleanser with either a muslin cloth or a Halo cleansing pad. Next I use a mist either Marie Veronique's Pre and Probiotic Daily Mist or May Lindstrom's Jasmine Garden Mist to add hydration and open up pores to better receive the benefits of any serums that follow. After patting it a bit with my fingers I like to use a good serum. Theses days I am using Marie Veronique's C, E and Ferulic or Joanna Vargas Daily Serum. Both are like food for the skin increasing cell turnover, boosting collagen, keeping pores clear and brightening. I press gently into my skin with finger tips again trying not to rub.

Finally, I use a face oil for hydration and nourishment. Right now I am all about Vintner’s Daughter Active Botanical Serum which I use as my face oil. At this point my skin should be pretty dewy and glowing. I follow up with Marie Veroniques tinted sunscreen, Olio e Osso #5 lip balm on lips and cheeks and if I'm in the mood Kjaer Weis mascara which in my opinion is the best. Then I am ready for the day. The whole routine is under 5 min. Even though it doesn't sound like it."


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ONDA Beauty


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite mamas to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Kimberly Johnson


Founder of Magamama and author of The Fourth Trimester


My first ritual of the morning is...

"either putting on my workout clothes and tennis shoes to zip over to Fitwall (I wake up at 6:50 to get to a 7am class), or assessing what's in the refrigerator to make my daughter for lunch. As a single parent, sleep is my medicine. When I wake up, it's action time."


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Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite mamas to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Natalie Kuhn


Natalie Kuhn Senior Teacher and Executive Director at The Class By Taryn Toomey


My last ritual of the day is...

"fully preparing for bed just before taking the dog on a walk. I've got blemish prone skin so it's especially important that I do this ritual after teaching The Class by Taryn Toomey and at the end of the day. I use True Botanical's Hydrating Cleanser with my clarisonic and follow it with Pure Radiance Oil. Lastly I combine the Vitamin C booster with the Cellular Repair Serum and give myself a little face massage. It seems like a lot but all of that takes about 5 minutes. Then my husband and I take our dog, Coop, out for a night walk and it gives us a chance to catch up and wind down before hitting the pillow. Once around the block, and straight to bed!"



Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite mamas to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Joanna Vargas


Founder of Joanna Vargas Salon & Skincare Collection

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My first ritual of the morning is...

"to wake up and spend a half hour reading through the beauty news of the day, articles I bookmarked, and emails I may have gotten in the middle of the night.  Beauty wise, I dry brushing my entire body before getting into the shower. It's invigorating and makes my skin so soft!"


My last ritual of the day is...

"doing a mask on my face right before bedtime. Some nights I even sleep in them. They make my skin look glowing the next morning and it's nice to treat myself.  I usually use my own collection, but I also like to use some of Peach and Lily's masks."


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Joanna Vargas


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite mamas to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Medea Juhasz


Founder of Catalyst Gold



My favorite ritual alone is...

"creating a gratitude list. I try to make sure I go over my gratitude list every day, sometimes multiple times a day. It is my favorite ritual that can be practiced waiting in line at the post office or riding the subway. Keeping my gratitude list in check transfers an activity of the mind to an actual act of the heart. It is a fantastic tool to have to lift my spirits or a great way to start my day off on the right foot."


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Catalyst Gold


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite mamas to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Jamie Graber


Founder of Organically Jamie


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My first Ritual of the morning is...

"I wake up and immediately go into to TM while doing self Reiki. As soon as I'm finished I head over to my altar, light palo santo, sit quietly and mediate more (Kundulini based). I then journal quickly on gratitude, acknowledgment of things I've accomplished and then things I looking forward to. "


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Organically Jamie


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite mamas to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Erika Bloom


Founder of Erika Bloom Pilates and Holistic Wellness Expert


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My favorite ritual alone is...

"finding nature, no matter where I am, and sitting with it in silence. This practice provides deep healing, calm, and joy. I can do this ritual truly in nature when I am traveling or when in the Hamptons. When I’m in New York City I go to a park if I’m at work or simply sit in my window at home and connect to the water I see beyond the buildings. We can always find a patch of sky no matter where we live."



Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite mamas to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Jimena Garcia


Celebrity Eyebrow Artist


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My last ritual of the day is...

"when I end my work day, I burn some sage. I then put on a house dress and prepare a cup of tea. This is a good way for me to let everything from my day go. For about a half an hour, I sip my tea with something to read. I love to read essays written by artists or a good interview in the evening."


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Jimena Brows


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite women to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Shelby Wild


Founder of Playa

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My first ritual of the day is...

"I generally wake at 7:30am and have a litre of water followed by coffee with coconut milk. We have a Ratio automated pour over machine which makes incredible coffee. I then sit outside on our deck and listen to the ocean for about 20 minutes before I begin my day at 8. "


My favorite ritual alone is...

"Listening to music and riding my bike down the beach path to Ado in Venice and treating myself to a glass of wine and pasta. "

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My favorite ritual to destress is...

"To get a massage at home, leave the windows open, and listen to music. I generally don’t watch television, but if there is a good series available I will watch that and eat coconut ice cream with chocolate chip cookies instead. Both equally relaxing. "


My last ritual of the evening is...

"Before I sleep, I like to have a cup of Tulsi Rose tea with Moon Juice Sleep Dust while I read in bed. I am currently reading Hillbilly Elegy."


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Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite women to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Tata Harper


Tata Harper, Founder of Tata Harper Skincare

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My first ritual of the morning and last ritual of the day is...

"Meditating. I try to give myself half an hour when I wake up and right before bed. It helps me go into my day feeling centered, and unwind before sleep. I have dark curtains in my room to keep out the light in the morning so I can focus. Sometimes I’ll play relaxing music too, especially at night. I love to hear a lot of piano - George Winston is so relaxing. I also really like Indian devotional bhajans."



Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite women to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.


Rituals - Ruby Warrington

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My first ritual of the morning is...

"20 minutes of Transcendental Meditation, followed by breakfast with my husband - hot water and  lemon, my special oatmeal (oats, chia seeds, hemp milk, He Shou Wu, Ashwaganda, Maca, with mashed banana and walnuts) and Harney & Sons Japanese Sencha green tea. "

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My favorite ritual alone is...

"I try to remember to smudge my devices with Palo Santo every month. Email, text and social media means my phone and Mac are processing a ton of energy on a daily basis! And of course, dancing - wildly."


My last ritual of the day is...

"Reading a novel for 20 to 30 minutes. Currently "1984" (although I’m stalling at the torture scenes). Also, I charge all my crystals on the Full Moon. I have a back garden at my home in Brooklyn and I leave them outside on the night of the Full Moon."

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The Numinous


Whether a morning meditation or afternoon cup of tea, the rituals we practice serve us more than we realize. They are our life’s bookends, moments we rely on and enjoy. For mamas especially, these small ceremonies are what gets us through the day. At A Wild Dove, we are so inspired by rituals, that we’ve asked some of our favorite women to share their smallest, most celebrated acts that help them feel their best.